Saturday, March 7, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I convinced Mike that we needed a family vacation, so we used the money I made from helping the cheerleaders to go to Disneyland! It truly is the happiest place on earth. Max loved every minute of it, and so did Mike and I. We were there at a really good time, the lines were not very long and the weather was a wonderful 72 degrees in the day!

Max's favorite characters were in a parade at California Adventure, and we had a perfect spot to see them. Max was so excited that they stopped right in front of us!
Here are Mike and Max on the little rides at the Bug's Life part of the park. The lines were the longest here, and not the most exciting, but Max liked them a lot!
Here we are kicking up our feet with a little Subway! Got to love the 5-dollar foot long after a day of 8-dollar cheeseburgers in the park! Max got that cute little Buzz Lightyear gun after we went on Midtown Madness (a fun ride where you shoot things for points.) He wouldn't stop shooting it all night, and batteries went dead in a couple of hours! He loves that thing!
Here is Max watching the parade! You can see the anticipation on his face, Lightning was a few blocks down and Max couldn't wait!
Another Bug's Life ride at the end of a long day! Our feet were killing us by the end of each day!
Max's favorite part, too bad they only let you look at them for 20 seconds!

Max didn't know what to think of Pluto! This was the first character we waited to see, and decided it wasn't worth the wait, since Max preferred to watch from afar!

Overall, it was an awesome vacation, for a really good price! I didn't have any morning sickness while we were there and Max was a good boy the whole time. I would go back tomorrow!

1 comment:

Whit said...

I have been waiting and waiting for these pictures to come of disneyland. Ask ty I would get on everyday and be like oh no pictures yet haha. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.