Friday, March 11, 2011

Max the Great!

Max is my little actor. He is always playing some kind of character. He is such a sweetie and always wants to invent things or make new creations. I love the way his little mind works.

Max insisted that he have a Captain America mask with feathers on the side to go with his Captain America shield. He was very disappointed that I didn't sew him one. Apparently my mask making skills are lacking. This mask was below his expectations, but he enjoyed it for an hour before Gracie destroyed it.

He never has a straight face when we take his picture. He always has to pose!

This wasn't even the same day and he just had to put his foot up on the arm rest because it makes his look more powerful.

He thought Gracie would really enjoy a wonder woman mask. Since she is always trying to steal his costumes, I agreed to make her one so she would leave him alone.

Here they are playing the drums. Max says he wants to be a rock star or chef one day.

He always knows the correct pose a rock star would choose. I love his cute happy personality. He makes me smile every day. I am so lucky to be his mom.

Max was dying to do a science experiment the other day. I tried getting him to make a lava lamp, but he always goes for the volcano. It's his favorite science experiment. He was so proud of his creation!

I love the fact that he is sticking his tongue out here. I always do that when I'm concentrating. He was so proud that he was able to make it explode on his own!

Max is a really good big brother and is always taking care of his little sister. He does get frustrated when she destroys his school projects. I think she just likes hearing paper rip. Poor Max.

Max is very cautious, as most everyone knows, and he doesn't enjoy doing anything that's risky. If Gracie climbs up on anything he screams for her to stop because it's too dangerous. We love his sweet spirit and is always saying something to make us chuckle. He is learning to read and is always so proud of himself when he sounds something out on his own.

I can't believe Max is going to be in Kindergarten this year. I am going to cry. I'm not kidding...


Whit said...

We loved seeing you guys for a little bit the other night. :) PS Move closer!!!!!!!!

The Yoder's Five said...

Those masks are so awesome! Love Max's poses--what a stud. Gracie's glasses are so cute--Madelyn is farsighted in one eye and had to get glasses about 15 months ago. Sounds like Gracie is better about wearing hers, though....