Saturday, November 7, 2009

Max the Great!

Max has finally decided that he doesn't need baby diapers anymore! Two days ago, while I was changing a poopy diaper, he told me he wanted his big boy undies and he hasn't gone back since! We have only had a few small accidents since then and I think he is pretty much done. I'm so glad I waited and just let him decide to do it on his own. He can do it all alone and I don't have to help him with his pants or ask him if he needs to go a million times a day. He is so stubborn that he didn't do well with that. He is such a good boy, and is so excited about his new Spiderman book bag that he got for using the big boy potty! WE ARE SO HAPPY!!! Hopefully we won't have many set backs!
Here is my sweet little Gracie. Her cheeks are getting so squishy. She is such a sweetie, and is almost 4 months old! Where has the time gone! She still wakes up every 3 hours at night, and loves to be held constantly, but we love to snuggle around here so it's working out pretty good for us. Max loves his little sister and gives her kisses and hugs occaisionally.
Brooke thought it would be fun to take some glamour shots of herself with my camera so I thought I would share them with you:) Beautiful!
Halloween was great this year. Max loved being a pirate and even gave himself a pirate name. Pirate Boogie Woogie Max! He is so creative and has a great imagination. He told me he was going on a bear hunt yesterday and continued on with a story of a bear caught in a tree in the middle of a viwwwage (village). The bear was chasing bees apparently.

Mas found his old glowworm the other day and decided it was his baby Gracie. He laid out a little wash cloth on the ground for her and was taking care of her like his mommy does.
His cute little pirate faces make me laugh! I love this little guy!

1 comment: said...

Oh Max...what a little stud!
We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!!!
Love you TONS!!!!!!!