Monday, March 3, 2008

Sad, long day

Unfortunately, Dr. Dowse was wrong when he said that Max's leg wasn't broken on friday. Saturday morning he called to let me know that the radiologist found a small fracture in his left leg, so today, after three hours of waiting, Max got a bright blue cast put on. It is very large and akward and very depressing to watch him try to get around. He was a trooper though. He is a very good boy!


Brooke @ said...

Poor little Maximo. He'll be back to his active little self in no time.

The Jones Fam said...

So sad! I broke my leg when I was little and my parents were out of town, so I didn't get my cast for a week. To get around the house, I basically slid around on my butt! We are living in Henderson NV right now. We've been here for about 2 years and I'm not really sure how long we'll stay here. You look really good!

Sharps said...

Sad, I can't believe he went a couple days without getting a cast! Poor little guy! Your hair is darling by the way. I am very tempted!

Michelle said...

He's such a trooper!

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

Jess, First I just have to say how sad that is! Poor little guy! I haven't seen him in so long! He looks so much like Mike, it's nuts! I am so glad you got a blog. I just found it. It looks great!

Tiffany said...

He is so stinking cute! I can not believe how much he looks like you. I read the post prior and they said that they think that he looks like your husband, but I have to say he looks like a lewis! How are things your way. I love the blog!