Monday, August 5, 2013

4th of July

The kids always have a great time at Grandma Julie's house on the 4th of the July! They throw SO much candy at the kids! Max kept saying he was getting in the candy zone. He was pumped and got A LOT of candy!

 Gracie got really excited about it too. She was running around like a crazy person. I love her beautiful curly hair! She is so adorable!

 When Sophie finally woke up a little bit she got excited about the candy too.

 Apparently Grandma Julie is very excited about the candy as well :)

 The parade took all of Gracie's energy. I'm sure Grandma loved the snuggles.

 Sophie discovered that she LOVES jumping on the trampoline!

 She is always SO happy! She is my bravest child by far!
Grandpa was too tired to stay awake while he was making the peppermint ice cream. We didn't get any pictures of the fireworks, but Daddy almost set the neighborhood on fire. It was pretty exciting!

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