Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day at the lake. -By Mike

That's my boy! I know everyone who has met Maximo knows he is an awesome kid. He is always nice to his litter sister (who has been calling him Maximomo lately). He has such a good attitude about everything. His imagination is one of a kind. Now that we have established that I think the world of my boy, let me say, he went the extra mile and made me even more proud of him today!! He is a man after my heart!

About a three months ago he pinky promised me that he'd ski with me this year. He came through today.

He ended up loving it after I told him I'd give him ten bucks that he can use to buy anything he wants!

There are my beautiful girls! I've got a good lookin family. Great morning, now off to watch some college football! Who could ask for anything more?