Friday, March 11, 2011

Crazy Gracie.

What can I say about my sweet little Gracie. She has been quite sassy lately! She just got her new pink glasses and within an hour they were broken! I'm still not sure how she was able to break them, but she did it in record time.

Gracie has strabismus and is far-sighted and had to get glasses last week. She is only 20 months and she is very cute with them on. She actually doesn't seem to mind them too much and only takes them off occasionally.
Gracie is a great eater and will try anything. She loves fresh fruit and vegetables and mac n' cheese. She also loves any type of soup or yogurt. She always eats better and faster than her big brother.
Gracie is very good at throwing tantrums. At least once a day she looks like this.

She also LOVES music and dancing. Anytime there is music on t.v. she stops what she is doing and does a little dance. She loves having jam sessions on pots and pans with her big bro.

Gracie also LOVES Elmo and every time we get in the car she screams "MO MO!" She knows we have the video in the car and tries to demand it every morning when I take Max to preschool.

Gracie loves to dress up. If there are any clothes on the floor she will find a way to get them on. Max's underwear and socks are her usual favorites. She also loves any shoes she can find.

We love our little Gracie. She is starting talk a lot more and get extremely frustrated when we don't know what she is asking for. She is very independent and loves her baby dolls. She is always putting them "night Night." She loves her daddy and if he is home she refuses to be held by anyone but him. Daddy loves it!


Ben said...

Oh my gosh, you have the cutest little kids. I love Gracie's pink glasses. My nephew got glasses at that age and he NEVER wears them and he is almost five so I am impressed Gracie doesn't put up a battle. Oh, and her little tantrum face is just like Katelyn's, I had to laugh when I saw it.

Ben said...

So that comment was from me, Kyra. Although I'm sure Ben thinks your kiddos are cute too:)