Thursday, July 17, 2008

All about Max!

Full Name: Max Michael Ulrich (after my dad and husband- both Mikey's)
Age: 2 years 1 month 2 days old
Favorite food: Macaroni and cheese (a.k.a cheese) , any type of fruit, broccoli, Juice, Sandwiches (fousey's), Fruit leather (snack), and chips (pits)!
Favorite toys: Lightning McQueen and Mater, anything with wheels, or anything he can drive his
cars on!
Favorite activities: Little Gym, Summer Movie Club, painting, hanging out with his daddy or Emri!
Least favorite activities: Swimming Lessons, going to bed, and getting his bum changed!
Funny expressions: In hungee (I'm hungry), Paweese (please), Dank You Momma (Thank you), Max's room, Mike (he calls his daddy by his first name?) Cool truck, Big Truck, Look Momma, Queen-Mater, Come on Mater, Come on Queen, Saweet (sweet), Moonie (movie), Day Day (Daisy)!
Things mommy loves about Max: He is the sweetest, most polite little guy! He makes me laugh everyday, and I can't imagine my life without him. He is always examining his cars and making me help him fix them. Max will repeat things over and over and over again until someone repeats it back to him correctly! He is very dramatic, and has the funniest facial expressions. People always tell me that he should have his own variety show. He's very good at showing off for new people and always has to be the center of attention. He is a handsome little dude, and we love him so much!

Adventures at the Little Gym!He is always scared to let go. His little scream is so cute and frustrating all at the same time.
He is getting better at the beam, but his favorite activity is running around in circles on the mat and saying, "I'm fast momma, I'm fast!"
His very favorite activity at Little gym is the bubbles! "Bubbas, Bubbas, OOOh, Mama, OOh!"
Here he is jumping and running around with Mikey!


Lindsey and Josh said...

What a cutie! Max and Jake would get along great. Jake is always carrying around anything with wheels too. Especially Lighting Mcqueen! Boys are so fun!

Staci said...

He is getting so big!! I wish we could be a bigger part of your guy's lives!! We want to watch little Max grow up too!! We love you guys and hope see you real soon!!

SFHS Class of 2000 said...

where is this at? Are you back in cedar? I have never heard of a little gym. My boys would love this. Just wondering if it is in cedar or not.