Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas Highlights!

We had a great Christmas, of course these pictures are out of order a bit, but you get the picture. Here is Max with his 'poppa Dave' and cousin Connelly playing 'hungee hungee hippo.' They loved that game!

Here we are opening presents at Dave and Julie's house on Christmas Day. Everyone went to get their chair and Max came into the room with his booster seat. Of course he sat in the middle of the room since he thinks he's the center of attention everywhere he goes!

Every year we break open a pinata at my Grandma Bev's, this year was no exception! My parents made this sweet pinata with three pockets of pinata goodness. Max loved smacking it!
Of course I had to take my turn! Everyone kept teasing me, saying that I swing the bat like a cheerleader! That fired me up, and I smacked as good as I could!
Here' s Mike taking a whack at it! There's nothing better than taking your aggression out on poor Frosty the Snowman!
This was Christmas morning. Max got a doctor kit and was fixing everyone up!

More present opening and reading the letter from Santa.
Lisa and Max were so giddy on Christmas Eve they snuggled on Lisa's bean bag chair and enjoyed the Muppet Christmas Carol.
Andie, Max and Lisa made reindeer food and were strategically placing it outside for Rudolf! It was cute.

Max thinks it's still "almost Santa Clause time,' and I keep telling him it's already over. He doesn't understand why I'm taking down all of the Christmas decorations. Maybe next year it will make a little more sense. He loved all of his wonderful gifts and we loved watching him get excited about everything! Good times...